Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2010 Blackhawk High School Romania Team

In January 2010, we finalized putting together a team of 15 High School students and 7 adult leaders to go to Romania July 20 - August 6 this upcoming summer. Since then, we've been meeting to grow as a team, train for ministry, and learn what we can about the culture we'll be serving this summer. We also have had (and plan on doing more) a team work day to raise funds for our trip.

This blog will serve as our primarily form of communication to our friends, family, supporters, and church community while we're in Romania this summer - but we'll also be posting some entries during our preparation for this trip. Students will be the primary bloggers. Look back here in the weeks to come for updates about: our most recent work day at the Quandts, the 3 weeks we hosted a team of 7 from our Romania partnership in Craiova (last February and March), Reach Feast, and the upcoming Romania Team Retreat (May 14-16).

Thanks for following us!!

-Lief Erickson (for the 2010 Romania Team!)