Friday, March 18, 2011

Who's excited for Romania 2011? WE ARE!

Hello everyone! I am Michaela Johnke and am expressing the team's excitement for the trip! I personally am thrilled about this experience to get to know my team members in depth and become close friends with them. I hope by going on this trip, I will be changed and grow even more in my faith and closer to God. I have to admit though, I am a little nervous about teaching some English. I can see that our team has hearts to serve others and show agape love (the all encompassing love that Jesus showed us) and I hope that we serve the Romanian people in whatever way we can and pray that my team and I use our gifts. Craiova Youth Group, we cannot wait to see you and work with you! For our supporters, I ask you to pray that we prepare our hearts and minds for the work of the King that is set before us.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2011 Romania Team!!!

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to post a couple pictures from our second team meeting last weekend! Also, this is the first blog post for the 2011 Blackhawk HSM Romania Team! WooHoo! However, we are continuing a blog that has been used over the past 3 summers. We hope to share so much of what God will do in and through this team and those we serve on this blog over the next 6 months. However, please consider sifting through some of what God has already been doing in the life of our partnership in the 2008, 2009, and 2010 Romania teams. There are some incredible stories about what God has been doing in there - as well as many reasons why we continue to send teams - check it out!

The following students and leaders are part of the 2011 team:

Aubrey Fisher
Brendon Fanning
Caitie Smiley
Cassidy Trier
Emily Quandt
Erik Gartland
Hailey Trier
Hannah Smith
Hunter Koeshall
Jenna Hershberger
Jessica Florac
Jimmy Bero
Joshua Bunting
Kayta Gruneberg
Larry Brady
Lief Erickson
Matt Tolly
Megan Radke
Megan Watts
Michaela Johnke
Pat Brady
Taylor McGrath