Friday, March 18, 2011

Who's excited for Romania 2011? WE ARE!

Hello everyone! I am Michaela Johnke and am expressing the team's excitement for the trip! I personally am thrilled about this experience to get to know my team members in depth and become close friends with them. I hope by going on this trip, I will be changed and grow even more in my faith and closer to God. I have to admit though, I am a little nervous about teaching some English. I can see that our team has hearts to serve others and show agape love (the all encompassing love that Jesus showed us) and I hope that we serve the Romanian people in whatever way we can and pray that my team and I use our gifts. Craiova Youth Group, we cannot wait to see you and work with you! For our supporters, I ask you to pray that we prepare our hearts and minds for the work of the King that is set before us.

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