Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The journey has begun. We all want to say thank you to everybody who was at Blackhawk this morning to send us off. It was encouraging to be surrounded by so many people who love and support us as we started our grand adventure. God was present in all of you and your prayers will be precious to us for then next two and a half weeks. (Special shoutout to Craig and Linda for driving us safely to the airport and getting honked at by that crazy lady behind you.)

Airports are interesting. There aren't many other places on earth where this many random people will cross paths. The entire world intersects in an airport, and though we may not know anybody's background, there are an infinite number of moments when our stories intersect. Maybe it's tripping over somebody's bag and apologizing, or showing grace to an angry person in line, or perhaps it is as simple as overhearing somebody say something special to a person they love. These moments, though small and seemingly insignificant, do make an impact on us and others. Our prayer for this trip is that every breath we take would be glorifying to our Father, showing His character and His grace. We know quite well that we will fall short of this because of our sin, but what the heck, we're going for it! The diversity of an airport is also a picture of our Father's kingdom filled with all different types of people and stories. One of the coolest parts about serving the Lord in another country is having a chance to worship in multiple languages at the same time. The unintelligible sound of mixed language music is one of the most aurally delicious noises in the world. Our God is big. We are small. But His spirit in us will do amazing things.

We aren't bringing anything new to Romania. God is there, and we are ready to be used by Him to experience eternal change in hearts and lives, for them and for us.

Keep reading for the next couple weeks for windows into this mission God has given us. Laughter and tears will certainly be in your near future. We love you all!

1 comment:

Mariah said...

we love you guys too! God bless <3