Tuesday, July 29, 2008

McDonalds Post.

Pat and I are sitting in a cosmopolitan-looking McDonalds using their internet. We had our first night with the host families last night and it was so good. It seems that we all have good situations... what a blessing! Pat took a shower this morning and shortly after she got out the water in the apartment shut down... she was thankful to be out of the shower at that time! The female leaders are staying with Rich and Martha Millhouse, American missionaries who have lived in Romania for almost 14 years. It is so wonderful to hear their stories, get to know them, and be a part of their lives for this week. They have three great children that we have grown fond of already. Lief and I went to get lunch for the team with Daniel yesterday and it was quite the experience of crossing language barriers and navigating cultural differences. It's hard enough ordering for 21 people in the States, let alone in Romania! In a few minutes Pat and I will leave McDonalds and the team will start our meeting to hear from Daniel Vieru and his team about life during communist times in Romania.

A quick list of blessings...
- Smooth travel
- ALL of our bags arriving!! (I don't know if I've ever had that...!)
- Wonderful host families
- Abundant food
- No illnesses
- A beautiful place to stay overnight in Bucharest
- The opportunity to see the People's Palace in Bucharest and hear a little about the history here
- The team is getting along well and everyone seems to be in good spirits
- I'm thankful the people we are with are understanding about vegetarians!!

AND, we're thankful for all of you who are praying and posting on our blog. Lief reads your comments to the team daily. Malachi definitely made out as the most loved via blog comments yesterday. ;)

Pat and Lisa.

PS - JOSH CARLSON , Lief and Nate appreciated your comments...


Anonymous said...

It's awesome to read how you've been blessed already on this trip!! God is good! Thanks for the updates it's a great way for us to be apart of your day! God bless!

Love & Prayers!

Bruce & Jo

Anonymous said...

Glad you arrived safely and are getting settled! I can't believe all the bags arrived - a miracle! Great to see the photos too. We will be praying.

Cara Trier said...

How incredible to be able to hear their stories first hand!! That alone would be worth the trip. (and for the pizza too) Cassidy we are missing your sweet little face here, life is just not the same without you!!! Remember their stories so you can tell them to me. Love you bunches,

Mom, Dad and Hailey

Mrs. Pankratz said...

We are loving getting to read the details from everyone. You are great writers! So glad to hear that you are getting settled in with the families, fetting along with everyone, and healthy. Tess, we miss you like crazy and loved the picture of you and the pizza. It really was as big as your head! We are praying for you. Love, Mom, Dad, MG & E, Lillie, and Louie Boy

jeanie said...

what did we do before blogs? what a great way to keep up! lizzi, you better write on it since you didn't in Kenya!! and tell us why you are eating at mc d's and pizza hut when you can do that here???
i love the energy of this trip!

Anonymous said...

I am diligently praying PPP
what is bbb?
So fun to have this I feel like i am traveling with :)
Larry is coming with to clean the extreme makeover house...
We kidnapped Hilary and all went well.
Love, hugs and prayers!
xo cindi t