Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Note From Tess...

Hey guys! It's Tess here. So far, our time in Romania has been awesome. We've met so many nice people and started to build relationships with them. For the past few days, we've started to plan for the camp. We split up into teams according to what part of camp we're working on (games, crafts etc.) It's been really fun to work with Daniel's leadership team from the church in planning too.
Last night, we went on another trip to the park to play games with the campers. We had a chance to walk through the park and talk to the people to get to know them better before we head to camp with them. They are really great people and some of them have amazing life stories. After walking through the park, we went out to dinner at a traditional Romanian restaurant with Daniel's leadership team. It was a great experience and the food was really good. During dinner, there was a lot of spontaneous Romanian dancing. It was so much fun. It was good to get a taste of the culture here.

Here are some prayer requests for our team:
-Energy as we have a very early day tomorrow
-Money for camp for some of the youth and orphans that can't afford it.
-Ani , a woman from the church who is dying of cancer. It's very hard for everyone involved.
-Boldness for our team to engage in conversations with Romanians who know little to no English.
-That camp will be a life changing experience for all of the youth involved.
-That we'll see God working through everything here.
-That we will grow in our faith.

Thank you so much for all of the prayer. It has really helped us out a lot knowing that there are people on the other side of the world praying for us. We love and miss you all very much and can't wait to see you. Keep the comments coming!
Love, Tess


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing, Tess! I love that picture of your head compared to a slice of pizza! I am so proud of you guys and am keeping you all in my daily prayers. I can't wait to hear all the stories!
Love, Heather F.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Praying for a great response from the Blackhawk Community. I spoke to someone yesterday that does not go to our church. He was telling me about his young son who has been diagnosed with a rare bone disease. I told him about Pat and Audra being in Romania and about the recent email about the orphans. He said he would sponsor a child! Wow! So now I know of 2 that have been spoken for. Please pray for this man's son and that the Doctors will gain knowledge and wisdom. Thanks you guys! Its good to see from your videos that you have an exercise program in place!

Mrs. Pankratz said...

Hey, Tess!! Your note on the blog was wonderful to read! It was great to hear right from you what you're experiencing. Everyone on the team has helped us to see so clearly what you've been experiencing. Tell the group how much we appreciate their contirbutions to the blog. It sounds like you are doing so much there! We are praying for the team and for the camp that is starting on Monday. We love you,
Mom, Dad, MG, Emma, and Lillie (and Louie, too)

Anonymous said...

I am excited to hear stories when you get back. I am praying for you guys and I hope that you are having a great experience!!

-Ashley Kooiman