Thursday, August 5, 2010

Last day in Budapest

Hey everyone! Jenna and Hailey here writing this post from the Baroque hostel in Budapest. We arrived yesterday around 10 am on the overnight train, and it's our second and final day here in Budapest for debriefing. Yesterday the team debriefed in a large park near a castle, and later we toured a basilica and climbed a citadel for some more good discussions and spectacular views. On the top of the citadel we had a really great talk, took a bajillion pictures, and sang a pretty good chorus of "lean on me" and "amazing grace". We've been doing a lot of walking and sightseeing around this beautiful city, as well as talking through some really incredible experiences from camp. Unfortunately Paul had to leave early this morning for a wedding back home--we're already missing him! Last night we had an amazing dinner on a boat on the river and ate some traditional Hungarian goulash (our favorite), and this morning breakfast was great at the hostel too (we are all loving the Mr. Choco chocolate spread.) We have some big plans for today as well: first a tour of a castle, later some serious debriefing, and then a much-needed trip to the hot springs.
Debrief has been awesome. Pray that we would further process everything that has been happening and enjoy our last day in the beautiful city together.

Shout Outs:
From Paul:
Lief - not enought pillow talk on this trip
Kev-you have good mustic taste even though I only liked 1/5 of your top five.
Zack-glad I could share your first public pee in Budapest w/ you...that sounds weird, sorry. Oh, and practice chess.
John- my roommate taped shark week, come over.
Hunter- I will be patiently waiting until you have a beard, so I can pull on it every 5 minutes like you did to me.
Eric-please don't publish that one pic with the capris. Much appreciated.
Larry- sorry I called you old so many times-I think of you as a fine wine, better w/ age.
Pat-Thanks for being my mom away from mom. Might want to bring more vitamin c next year...
Jenna- sorry, my shoulder is so boney, maybe try Liefs next time, he has a bit more padding.
Megan-thanks again for always calling me Pablo.
Sheri-I want a WDOH bottle. Hope you get the house!
Hailey-Whens the engagement party?
Cassidy- Sorry if I asked "are you getting some good shots?" too many times.
Kati- Kati BOO
Taylor- I can't believe it took you so long to figure out how weird I am. You should really give Tommy Boy [or Tom Boy] another try.
April- it was cool to see you love on those girls that your mom loves so much.
Malachi- good being small group buddies w/ you. I agree w/ Oana, you should move to Craiova. PS you are sleep talking right now, creepy.
Tess-nice job MCing at camp. Feel free to use the duck joke next year. You know you loved it.
Elli- You have an awesome voice, keep rockin it, girl.
Nikki-thanks for taking care of everybody. Sorry that I was frantically yelling for you that one time when you had [unbeknownst to me] already started caring for the victim.

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