Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Constant Call Home

Home is more than a place. Home is something that tugs at our hearts, pulling us towards God's calling for our lives.

For some on our team, stepping off the plane in Craiova was a step onto the welcome mat of home.

For most of us, Madison was never far from our hearts.

Camp was home for orphans that may never have experienced that kind of loving community.

The list goes on, but what I'm trying to communicate, is that the idea of home is powerful. We are excited to return to our friends and families, and to the place that we call home. But we return with the most important lesson that God taught us on this trip: That home and family can never be separated.

Because while we travel back to our earthly home, we remember that each one of us is on a journey to our eternal home with our eternal Father, to be His children and to allow Him to father us for the rest of our infinite existence. This truth is branded on our hearts and souls, and on this trip we witnessed orphans go through the beautiful transformation of realizing their identity as a Copilul lui Dumnezeu, a Child of God.

We are returning as changed people. There is a fire in us and we know that it can be hard for you to understand everything we have experienced. Be patient with us. Take time to listen to us and pray with us. We look forward to being near you as we continue the journey together. God moves like a mighty wind and all we can do hoist the sails of our souls and let Him carry us home as His children.


Sarah said...


I just had a discussion the other day about the power of the word HOME. It sounds like you all will come back with a new view of that word....making it even more powerful. Some of the most amazing words are not long on letters but long in power....home, love, God.....

Love to all! Can't wait to see you this evening!
Momma S.

Anonymous said...

Home is a way of living...we have been created to share love and to be a subject of love. Knowing Christ brought us home, into a body who is living through unity. Every year you come and go, giving us a lot of what God put in your hearts: love, care, laugh, serving...Every year seams to be hard to say hello, but every next year seems to come so easily to work together again: because even we are separated on this earth, we are part of the same body.We hope that we can continue to do the good work of God through this group of orphans and they will feel as part of God`s familly and finally they can say: I am home! God bless you all! And I am praying that there will be more years of coming and going as God is opening new gates of working and reaching people for Christ. I miss all of you so much already!
with love in Christ, Daniel