Sunday, August 3, 2008

Some pictures for you

Here are a few pictures from the last few days... we've also added a few on the posts below.


Anonymous said...

Jessica Joy,
So sorry we missed your phone call, we were at the cabin. Grandma and Grandpa wanted to hear all about what you guys have been doing, so thanks to such great blogs, we've been able to share a lot with them (and provide the URL). Anyway, it sounds like you guys are having an awesome time and are having (and will have at camp) a tremendous impact on those you meet. Glad to hear you're in good health. We pray for you and the team in our hearts and minds continuously each day.

Much Love,
Dad, Mom, Noah, Jacqueline

Dawn (Kenzie's mom) said...

Kenzie (and all), your team picture is posted on the refrigerator as a great reminder to pray for you. Truth is, I don't need a reminder, you are never far from my thoughts or heart. I am so proud of you and the team. I have been checking the BLOG every day for pictures and news from you. I just learned today that I could post something back to you. I could write for ever, but instead will be brief and simply tell you I love you! Mom

Laura Anne Traastad said...

romania team,
keep it up. its been wonderful to arrive back from peru and fill my days with the ridiculousness and honest words from your blog. audra and JR, La Merced misses you both, we had such a great trip, can't wait to share more with you. JR, jose is number one in the school, he rocks that town.
anyway, i'm excited for everything that has been happening and for what will go on this week at your camp. your team is being covered in prayer, we've got your back, I'm so proud you guys and will keep praying. come home safe, strong and excited about Romania and they way God is moving.
much love to everyone,
laura t