Sunday, August 3, 2008

thank you

The last few days we've been blown away by your generosity. I'm so grateful to be a part of the Blackhawk Church community and our greater community of Christ Followers. Two days ago we sent out an e-mail and posted on the blog about the financial crisis facing our Romanian partners in getting students to camp. Within one hour of the need being made known $700 had been raised. Within one day over $3000 had been raised. As of this morning, $6,891 has been raised. Wow. Thank you so much.

Your amazing acts of generosity have bolstered our faith and the faith of the Romanians we're working with. Everyone is humbled by how God has provided through all of you. I wish you could have seen the look on Daniel's face when we told him the news, you could see that a heavy load had been lifted from his chest. I wish you could have seen the look on his student's faces when they heard about almost $7000 being raised. It's surely hard for them to understand how people some 5000 miles away who've never met them would care so deeply.

Because of your generosity Daniel was able to open up more spots and some additional students who weren't able to go to camp will now get the opportunity. Additionally, students who've been planning to go will still get the chance. I'm personally confident that you're generosity will have eternal consequences. Thank you. Thank God.

-Paul & The Romania Team

ps: please stay tuned for final details about your pledges. we ended up raising more than the amount needed for camp. we've been made aware of some additional needs within in the orphan community here. some of you may have the opportunity to move your funds in this direction. kristin will be in touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallelluja! Praise the Lord! He's our provider!

Sang & Seok Yoon