Saturday, July 24, 2010

Here's Tess: droppin down a funky update from Mickey D's!

We've been meaning to post this since yesterday at this time... anyway.. here is our blogpost from yesterday! Today's will be posted within a couple hours! -Lief

Tess from July 23:
Helloooo everyone! Tess here, writing from McDonald’s in Craiova. Haha so much cooler than the one I work at back in the States. We are enjoying some ice cream and shakes before we head over to the city park tonight. Since our last blog post, we have experienced our first night in Craiova, at our host families. Most of us slept well, but some are still dealing with a little bit of jet lag. For the most part, though, we all got a full night’s rest. We spent most of the day at the church. We had team time first, read all of the blog comments (loove those, please keep them coming!) and did a short devotion. Then we dove right into planning for camp. We split up into teams, dealing with different parts of camp. Lots got done, and the plans are really coming along. After exchanging money, we headed over here and are about to leave for the park. We will spend most of the night there, playing group games and meeting a lot of the people that will be coming to camp with us. This will also be an awesome time to invite people to come to the camp who might not have heard about it before. We’re all wearing our blue camp shirts and not looking like tourists at all walking around the city in the same shirt…Haha after the park, we will head back to the church for a late dinner and then go back to our host families for the night. Tomorrow will be another day spent planning, with a coffeehouse at night. We are all feeling great, and are really excited to be here. Zack wanted me to include this: When asked if he could “make doing the camp song dance motions look cool”, Johnny Lerdahl responded… “I can make anything look cool.” It’s great to see everyone over here stepping up and doing anything they can to help the team. Some things you can be praying for are:
-A good night’s rest tonight and tomorrow especially, as it is our last full night of sleep before we leave for camp.
-For any last minute preparations, that they are made and organized well.
-Health of the team members, especially a select few.
-The success of the coffee house that we are doing tomorrow night.

Thanks so much for all of your support and comments! It really means a lot to all of us. Keep praying and leaving comments, you are awesome :)

Love, Tess


Jenna to Ben and Dan: Have fun with the cousins this weekend! Say hi for me :)
Nikki to Erica: I knew you'd get the job! So proud of you! You'll do great with those kids!
Amy to Erica: I second what Nikki said! So excited for you!
Lulu and Martha to Alonso and Julio: That's a deal. Tonight? Pick us up at 7?
Amy and Jenna to Olan and Jessie: Thanks for the poem! We're working on a formal reply...meanwhile we're still feeling laughing effects of Lief reading yours this morning :D You're both crazy awesome.
April to project life group: We miss you! Hope you are having a great summer!
April to Anne and Audra: Wish you were here-Everyone is asking about you!
Elli to Mom: Good luck mom in the Waunafest run! I love you.
Megan to Hanna: Hey lady, here is your shout out...hi.
Emily to Mary: Once upon a time a girl was tied to some tracks and a train was coming...but then a guy with Dr. Pepper showed up...
John to Jimmy: I have yet to see any flat tops here, I might just have to represent
Cbass and Tess to Mollie: Keeeep singin Bob! You're doing great Bob! lalalalayellow submarinelalalala
To Matt Tolly: We found your Romanian twin. His name is Andrei. He looks and acts exactly like you! Haha he also giggles when you tickle him...
Amy to Alyssa: Thanks for all the encouragement! I can't wait to talk to you when I get back! Yes, I completely agree about the GPS haha I'm not a fan of detours... :) LYLASFEAFRTEA!


Blackhawk Romania Team said...

Sorry to hear that some of you are not sleeping and/or may be ill. I will be praying for you all! All my love to Taylor. Take care and have fun. Love Mom

Thomas Ramsey said...

So Matt Tolly giggles when you tickle him? This is exciting news! I can't wait to hear how y'alls first day at camp goes! In the meantime keep rocking those shirts, they are awesome! That comment from Johnny in the blog about making everything look cool is not surprising but it is very entertaining, so make sure you keep putting funny quotes in your blogs no matter who they are from!

Keep your spirits high and get some sleep! (Lief- that means you too!), and I'm praying for all of you!

Can't wait for more!


P.S. T-Dawg, did you show them at McDonald's how it's done in America?!

Thomas Ramsey said...

Happy Birthday Kev! I hope it's your best one yet! Hugs and pinches!


Cara Trier said...

Thanks Tess for the great post!!!! Cassidy & Hailey we misssss youuuu!!!!!!!! Dad and I leave for Jackson Hole today, we are taking the laptop and so will still keep up on your adventures from there. We love you and are so dang proud of you!
Mom & Dad

The Big MT said...

Wow that sounds like a cool guy to me, and i am not sure why Thomas finds this exciting news. Anyway good luck tonight at the coffehouse, i hope it will be as impactful as the previous one. Happy B Day shoutout to Kevin, hope u have a great day. Keep the updates coming

Matt Tolly (The Big MT/Tollipop)

Makenzie Koe said...

hunter koeshall, i'm so proud of you for taking the opportunity to go to Romania, i know you'll make a difference with that nothing but kind and sweet heart of yours. i love you so much brother, and i can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get home.

tess, cassidy, and megan, my best friends in the whole world. i can't believe i'm not there with you.... really weird, anyways. stay crazy as ever, and TESS you better be up there doing hand motions to the music. if not(I'M MAD)

malachi and zack! i'm so happy i got a chance to say goodbye to both of you. you two give some of the most amazing hugs in the world, sorry zack but malachi wins for best hugger.

kati metz gurl, can't wait til you get back and we can compare our pink eye again, goood times at nats pool. hopefully you get back before the weather gets cold again;) ahahhaa

anyways i'm spacing on the rest of the team, but God bless you all for doing this. please set aside all selfish thoughts for the next two weeks and be more aware then you've ever been. God can't do all the work on his own!!! (actually he probably could ha)

Lief and the other leaders, i pray that you all have wisdom beyond measure. i know God's gonna do some crazy cool things like he always does.

I love you all

Sarah Stevens said...

Great post Tess!!!
I can't believe, however, that Zack was sitting right by you in McD's and couldn't give you a shout out to his momma! What is up with that Zachary? :)

Z---So the Frydenlunds arrived last night and we did the Waunafest run this morning. Cal and Kyle were there. Cal said, "How is Zack doing DOWN there? Have you talked to him". Oh Calvin.... They miss you and so do we!

Lief- awesome job on the morning Zack group hug! The video is awesome! You made my day!

Johnny....although I agree that you can make anything look cool, as your second mom I need to remind you to keep working on that humble spirit! ;-)

Entire Team- praying for you today as you do the coffeehouse! I hope you end up filling all the empty slots for camp.

Oh...Z....Noah keeps saying that "Zack is in MOrania". :)

Love you all....
Sarah- Z's mom

Taylor Stevens said...

Hey Z,
Dad and the little boys are headed up to the dells this afternoon and mom and i will be going up on Monday.
I hope you have having the time of you life on this trip!
Hannah wants me to remind you to not fall down any mountains (;
Remember to take alot of pictures and journal alot!
Write down every detail of what you do. You can't capture how you are feeling in a picture, words will do so much more.
i love you alot
John i love you too(: hope you are getting the whole experience because its a once in a lifetime opportunity .


P.S. Tante Kelly says that she isn't going to save you any cookies this year.... i actually am eating one as i write this to you. Love you

Mary said...

Dear Barbie (Emily),

Thank goodness for avalanches.

Also, if you die over there because you're too cool to drink water, then I will be very angry. Drink your water. Like seriously a bottle of water an hour. Doctor's orders.

Love, Se... um, Mary

Dad Q said...

Thanks for spicing up my day yesterday. It was great to hear from you, but next time pick a different way of doing it.
You better drink your liquids or there will be ... to pay. (That line always worked on you and Mary, so I hope it still does.)
Also, Mary almost choked on her Mulitgrain Flax seed flatbread cracker when she read your comment. I wish I knew what you were talking about, or maybe it's better I don't.
I am praying for you and the whole tribe for good health, good times and good work.
You make me proud and I love you TONNES.
Viva Romania

Anonymous said...

Hey Zack! It's been so interesting reading the blog and learning more about what you're doing each day. Will be anxious to hear if time in the park brought new kids to camp. I pray for you and the entire team.....for your continued good work and for your health and safety. Miss you tons. Love, Nana
PS Loved the group hug!

the pankratzes said...

We LOVED reading your blog update live from Mickey D's. Who would've thought that you'd find yourself there in Craoiva?? We are praying for you and the team and the camp that's ahead. We miss you a lot!
Mom (and the fam)

Alyssa L said...

I hope you all are adjusting well to life over there. I got to go to an open house for Nicki tonight (she leaves for Austria again on Wednesday!), and when she was talking about all of the cultural adjustments, all I could think about was your trip! I love you tons, and wish you could have visited Nicki with me! I miss my bestie.
Love, Lyss

Leah said...

I hope that you all are feeling well and strong as you make your way to camp. I'll second everyone else on hydration orders...but make sure it's safe water :)

Eric, I'll check out videos tomorrow if Lief agrees to be my friend ;)

Love, leah

Jim Lerdahl said...

Johnny - How are the dance moves coming? I actually made up a new one (maybe new?) last night at Dan & Kelly's wedding. I imagined it being like grabbing an electric fence, but Matt called it the Live Wire, which sounds cooler. And you might not have enough hair or time to grow your own flat top...

Everyone else - Keep it real! I'm praying for you at least semi-often.

Smileydad said...

Hi Megan

This is the second time I have written this. For some reason I have to resign up for Google every time I post. I think I had the same issue last year. Anyway, hope you are doing well. I am driving about 600 miles each weekend for Catie. Glad CNADM is this weekend. It sounds like you guys are having a great trip. Love the videos. Lief missed his calling. By the way, is it my imagination or are you guys at the McDonalds a lot?:)
Anyway, I miss you and look forward to hearing from you SOON.
