Friday, July 30, 2010

Yeah World, Keep on Smiling!!

Hey everybody it's Taylor, Kati, and Cassidy. It's our last full day here at camp and there's been a lot going on.

Yesterday the campers got to tye dye t-shirts. It was a messy craft and most of us managed to tye dye parts of their bodies. The t-shirts are hanging up to dry right now and they all look great! Cassidy and Kati even tye dyed sheets that will be used as table cloths in the Underground.

After tye dye we had water day out on the soccer field or as they would say here "fotbal field". First we played drip drip drop, which is similar to duck duck goose with water. Next we had a classic water balloon toss. Then we played a Romanian game, quadrants, in which we split up into four teams and water balloons were launched at us. We put our shoes on our hands to try and break them before they hit the ground in order to win the game. The final game we played was steal the bacon on a homemade slip n slide. It got very competitive and very funny.

In the evening Lief gave a talk on the prodigal son that was very moving. In it, he talked about common misconceptions about who God is. We also heard a parallel version of the story of the prodigal son from the book Whats So Amazing About Grace? that was written to be more relevant to modern times. We also talked about how God is the Father, which I saw in a whole new light as I sat next to a girl who has grown up in an orphanage.

Later that night, in small group, we had a great discussion in response to what Lief had talked about. The girls in my group are young believers, but they had a lot of confusion about views of God and forgiveness and grace. Last night was the first night that the girls had opened up and been willing to share about their relationship with God and some of their struggles. Pray that the girls would be very open and candid tonight, because we have a lot of great stuff planed for tonight. Also, pray that they would focus tonight and not so sleepy, those have been reoccuring problems for our group.

Tonight the team will experience a Romanian bonfire!

Love you all, keep us in your prayers!!


Larry to Brady Bunch: Hope you figured oout the lawn mower, replenished your mother's chocolate stash and gained a lead on the chipmonks! --Dad

Zack to Tante: Awesome! I hope the Lambeau 5K goes awesome!
Zack to the fam: Hope you're all doing better now that we posted a pick of me

Cassidy to Mom and Dad: Hope your trip was fun. We're still at camp. It has been so cool. I have over 1,000 pictures so far! Can't wait to tell you all about it and show you in New York.

Elli to mom and dad: I miss you guys a lot. I will be home in 1 week cant wait to see you. I am having so fun at camp. Dad, i hope Annie is not destroying my room or having accidents in I also hope Pumpkin is on the hunt every day:)Love you

John to Mom #2: My hair's lookin flyyy! T keep doin your thang!


Cara Trier said...

Thank you for the pictures!!!!! I am waiting for Cassidy & Hailey to get to the videos on facebook for me so I loved, loved, loved the pictures!!!!! Cassidy & Hailey, my heart is so full right now; full of pride in you and full of gratefulness to God for taking you to this incredible place and for giving you both these rich, rich experiences. He is so good to us!!


Jo said...

It is so awesome to be able to have postings from camp!! In the past there hasn't been internet service at camp so we had almost a week of no reports. It's such a blessing to hear what God is doing, thank you for sharing!! Love you all & continued prayer as well!! Jo (Mal's Mom)

Taylor Stevens said...

Oh John.... I will keep it up(: when you hey back we have to play eucher so I can show you my skills:p
Zack- I miss you tons and can't wait to hear l about your experience. Oh and you should be very impressed I won the tournament with a total of 37 points!! I love you alot and am praying for you and the rest of your team.

Taylor (Zack's sister)

Lauren said...

i've really enjoyed reading the posts guys! its been great to hear everything that's been going on and how god has been working in the lives of everyone at camp. leaving the campers will be difficult but i have confidence that each and every one of you has made an impact on at least one individual's life at camp.

cassidy- it's beyond exciting to hear how the girls in your group opened up last night. i remember how difficult it was to sit and listen, wondering if the campers knew, or understood, or even cared at times. i know you can make a lasting impact this last night, so i'll be praying for you and the rest of the team's courage and patience!

Lauren Mau

Emily McGrath said...

Taylor, Making your favorite dinner and thinking of how much I miss you! Can't wait to hear about it all! Love You Mom!!

Anonymous said...

chipmunks still have the lead.. however we have seen less of them... probably because it rains about every three days. the chocolate stash is still slowly diminishing, and the lawnmower is still a mystery.

hope all is well! have you had cabbage rolls for dinner yet? audra and i will be making them for dinner tomorrow night in honor of romania and the best food they have.

Sarah Stevens said...

Wow thanks for all the pictures. It was great to see your faces along with the great blogs.

Hope the last day of camp was very successful and changed many lives.

Zack- yes the picture helped. Love you for thinking about it!
John- of course your looks great... You have the best hairstylist around! (:

We will keep praying for you all as you go back to Craivoa and to debrief.

Love you Zack. So proud of you!
Mom and Dad

Tante Kelly said...

Love reading about how you are sharing your faith with young believers, and showing them such a fun time. God is good! Keep up the good work, and have a great last day! Safe travels to you all on your way home.
And Zack~ today we saw Al Harris and Ryan Grant. :) Funny to see the rookies driving Kias! Tomorrow is the run (they get to run onto the field through the tunnel!) and then onto watching 1st day of training camp!
Love ya buddy!

Leah said...

Hi Eric!!! I loved the pictures! Are you not in them because you're taking them?? I can't wait to see them all! Maybe we can have a big picture show when I see you when you get back??! I'll make popcorn...or whatever you want :D

Love you lots! Leah

Anonymous said...

Kati and Team,

Great blog! Great to hear that things are going well and sure hope that you had fun your last day at camp. We had a great last day at the beach and heading home tomorrow. Can't wait to see you and hear all the stories. Sure hope that you are taking lots of pictures. See you on Friday!! Love You!! Mom and Dad

Chuck said...

Elli - great to read your posts! We are keeping Annie out of your room, although she has tried to get in. Pumpkin has been busy catching critters - bunch of moles, a rabbit and a frog!

Tour de France update: Well, it is over. Final standings were Alberto Contador (ESP, team Astana) winning with a total time of 91hr 58min 48 sec. Andy Schleck (LUX, team Saxo Bank) was second, 39 seconds behind. Third was Denis Menchov (RUS, team Rabobank), 2 min, 1 sec behind. Lance finished back about 39 minutes (23rd overall), which wasn't bad considering some crashes he had. Now share your new Tour knowledge with others!

Love ya - Dad

Craig Stevens said...

Thanks for the pictures!!! really great to get updates from camp and hear more about what is going on! This team is really blessed with some great authors - so much detail and written pictures! Thanks! Hey Eric - S.O. to you......

Mary said...

Dearest Darlingest Emily,

This is Mary and Dad. We wanted to leave you a video message, but we can't. Sad. So visualize.

We are standing here, side by side, at the kitchen counter. I am wearing an absolutely adorable outfit: my brown old navy shirt, mom's wide brown belt, and your blue and brown target skirt (you took mine across the pond, so it was only fair). Dad is wearing his ... happy man light aqua plaid shirt (the one that seriously makes him look super ... happy) and one of your skirts too. Oh, no, that was yesterday, he's got some tan shorts on today.

The sun is pretty much set, the crickets are trying really hard to get mates, and the birds are chirping. And one of the Fords is whistling. We forgot Otto: he is laying here at our feet, relaxing and stinking. What's new, right?

We miss you and can't believe that you'll be back home before this week is out! Yay! I hope camp was more than you expected it to be, and that your next couple of days in Craiova is the debriefest, like totally. Hope you're able to schedule in some water skiing on the Danube. Uncle Rob has the contacts, if you need them.

We are so funny. We'll be here all week.


Linda Hersh said...

Awesome pics and narrative - your words really come alive in the last couple of posts - thanks for painting great word pictures for us. Camp is over by now, but hope the reunion is sweet (Sun/Mon?). And we'll keep up the prayers!

Jenna - we survived the Hartman reunion and you were very much missed - and I told your story over & over. Ben & Sam are here now, so your brothers won't get lonely - they do miss you, really. We can't wait to see you soon!
Lots of love & hugs!
Linda (J's mom)

Jo said...

Hi Malachi!! Great to hear from you!! Miss you and glad to hear camp was great! Relax now and enjoy the defrief & reunion then the sight seeing & trip home. You're the best dude thanks for loving the Lord & serving Him everyway you know how. I'm trying to learn from your example but it's taking a while! Love you tons & pray for a safe trip this week!! See you Friday eve.!! Love Mom

the pankratzes said...

We miss you like crazy. Loved the pictures and the description of all that you are seeing and doing. Can't wait to see you on Fri!!!
Love, Mom (for all of us)
P.S. We celebrated Grandpa John's birthday yesterday at Aunt Lisa's. Everyone missed you!!

Cara Trier said...

Hi again Cassidy & Hailey,

Still missin you!!!! I am really missing your lawn mowing skills, I just don't have your knack for it! Rigsby says to tell you both that this diet is killing him without you all sneaking him bits from the kitchen. (He also says that I am his favorite now!)
Love You both and miss ya like crazy,

Anonymous said...

We can't wait to hear the rest of the cow pie story. You can't really be from Wisconsin and not have a good cowpie story. Catie and Shane took platinum at CNADM but it was a real cryfest afterward. Lot of seniors leaving. Hope you are getting some sleep and are staying well. We are really looking forward to seeing you. By the way, Craiova made it into national news. Check the article on
Love Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

We miss you Sheri!

everyone back home :)

We're having trouble getting comments posted. Here's to hoping this one works. :)

John Mauer said...

Has anyone heard from any of the team since Friday? We haven't and we are getting concerned.