Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Just wanted to pass along that the team made it to camp safely. Sounds like they had an adventure getting there, but I'll let the team blog about that:

Emily Erickson


Sarah said...

Thanks for letting us know they arrived safely!! I am happy to hear that! Can't wait to hear about the adventures on the journey there!!

Zack....many people have asked how you are and are thinking of you. We are so proud of you and can easily tell them that we are sure you are doing great....but more and the team are serving in an awesome way!

Praying for you all daily....
Sarah- Z's mom

Steve & Shelia Cernek said...

MALACHI, Steve said to tell you that you are in the area he goes to... SO if you have any problems to let us know and Steve can send people to help!! We're praying for you and the team.
Have a great day!!

Hannaynay said...

Im sorry I havn't posted, the internet never works here! I just looked through all of the pictures and it looks like you are getting to see some amazing places, I cant wait to hear about everything when you get back!!! I have no plans for that entire week so you will have plenty of time to tell me.
<3 your younger sister, Hanna
P.S. your coming here with me next year so you can meet my dog (Bella-Ella) shes a cutie

Hannaynay said...

Im sorry I havn't posted, the internet never works here! I just looked through all of the pictures and it looks like you are getting to see some amazing places, I cant wait to hear about everything when you get back!!! I have no plans for that entire week so you will have plenty of time to tell me.
<3 your younger sister, Hanna
P.S. your coming here with me next year so you can meet my dog (Bella-Ella) shes a cutie

Don said...

I miss you Matt....Cubs Win!

Char Paulson said...

Hi Malachi and friends!
Looks like you are having a great trip and are making an impact ~ for them and you! Can't wait to hear all about it when you are back "stateside". Not much going on in New Glarus, except it has been chilly. . . tourists are still standing in the street looking up at buildings and pointing. . . trucks are running over the pedestrian signs in the middle of the road. . . you know, the usual stuff. Miss you and will be sending good thoughts & prayers your way.
Peace, out-
Char & family

Anonymous said...

Adventures on the road to camp, huh? Makes for great storytelling when you return.
We're all missing you here but know you're doing what needs to be done. Carry on and know that we're praying for you and the entire team. Love you......Nana
P.S. Cubs are only 1 game out of first!!!!! This could be the year! :)

Tante Kelly said...

Zack! You made it to camp! Can we get a WHoop Whoop! Can't wait to hear the stories...we're praying you and the team are energized by the new surroundings and that you are making strong relationships. Hope it's not too cold up there in the mountains.
Know we are sending oodles of love and prayers!
Tante Kelly

kell said...

dani do
glad to hear you made it to camp. everyone is pumped about the cubbies...miss you punkin...everyone is asking about you and if your doing well. so much love to you from everyone, have a great time at work.

Unknown said...

Hey Malachi and Zach...hope you guys are having a sweet adventure. I hope you have a notepad and pencil and are writing down everything because I am going to make you tell me all the details when you get back.



Smileydad said...

Buna ziua echipa

A real relief to hear you all made it safely. Hope and pray that camp goes well. Praying for all of you

Anonymous said...

Lief and the Romania Team:
I have enjoyed reading the blog & seeing the great pix. Praying that U will all have a great Camp experience.
Lief's Mom, Trudy

Cara Trier said...

Hi Cassidy & Hailey!!!

We sure are missing you (especially me today because I am off to mow the lawn, I was hoping it wouldn't grow while you were gone, you know kinda like when the sun stood still for the Israelites!)We are loving all the pictures and can't wait to hear the stories to go with them.

We miss your sweet little faces!

Love, Mom&Dad

Valerie Mau said...

Hi Everyone!
It's hard not hearing any news for days! The suspense is killing me! I bet you are having a terrific time with all your new friends at camp. I hope someone is blogging even if we can't read it yet. I'm sure there is a lot to share. Lauren, did you see Morgan's comment?!! I can't wait to hear!! I guess we need to complete this journey before we (ie. YOU!) start your next one! Love you lots, MOM

Sarah said...

I'm with Valerie! This is hard not hearing about your adventures each day. You spoiled us while in Craiova!! I hope that camp has been fantastic....

I just wanted to do a shout out of my Lief, Pat, Larry, Kelsey, Luke and Anne! You are all amazing leaders! I am so thankful that you are willing to take this much time out of your life back here to guide our students through this. They(and we) are so blessed by you!

Sarah- Z's mom...again. :)

Not Your Average Jo said...

ahhh wonderful!! HAhA you guys have been gone for so long I am so bored and im missing you!! Madison is not the same with out you! Funny storie for you so I was at walgreens the other day and I was in line to check out and this check out lady was so funny so i came up to get my stuff checked out and she was like hey do you know the song your a and i was like yah kinda. she was like do you know the dance and i was like no.. then i told her the only dance i know is the stanky leg! lol and she was like ohhh yah i love that one and she started doing it right there with all these other costomers in line!!! lol it was great and i hope you guys get a laugh out of it too even tho you couldnt see it! Well thats all I got! Have a good day guys!!

Malachi's Dad said...

hey all can't wait to find out how camp went. Keep praying and thinking of all you often.
Malachi's Dad

kell said...

hope you were teaching the kids at camp to color in the lines. having fun driving your car. :] Kaegan

anonynonie-n-chubby said...

Hey Anne, Larry, and Pat. Definitely missing not seeing you guys. Looking forward to the stories and pix and ...... more blogging to come soon I hope.

we're praying for you all continuously for His safety...