Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Out of mtns, been to Budapest, on overnight train to Prague!

Well, how unlikely is it that the first chance we had to post after camp is via a short note from my cell phone on the overnight train from Budapest to Prague?!! Well it is so! With a dead computer and no internet during our 20 hour jaunt in beautiful Budapest, we've struggled to keep you updated.

You can expect to hear in the days ahead some amazing stories from our last night and day of camp. So much happened in our final 24
hours! We look forward to sharing details. Our one day with Daniel's leaders was fruitful and needed and was so good for each of our teams (now one). Saying goodbye (to campers Sunday and leaders Monday) was incredibly hard for all. So many good connections, relationships built, and lives changed....

Our one day in Budapest was great, but fast. We debriefed at the Citadel overlooking the cityscape and river. Tried a different (than last year) and sweet hot spring - Budapest known for these.... and had a traditional Hungarian dinner on a docked boat on the Danube (it was so good!). Then we booked it to the train station. Within a couple hours, everyones asleep (but me),and we'll be to Praha by 7:30am (12:30am in Madison).

All is good, everyone safe and present, and looking forward to more debrief and reentry in the days ahead.

We miss our Romanian friends so much, and are feeling a bit imcomplete without them- but we like each other enough, we're managing alright. We also miss home and look forward to being with fam and friends within a few days. We love you!

Off to catch a few zzzz's before we get to the border of Czech and they wake us up for passports!

Noapte Buna! (more to come!)

Lief (for the team)


Kristen E said...

Happy Birthday, Lief! Although... I guess it's no longer your birthday in the time zone you're in. Instead... Happy Birthday, Nate! (And Happy Belated Birthday, Kels!)

Everyone: Can't wait to hear all of your stories! We definitely miss you guys...

Saying a special prayer for the rock star adult leaders! :)

-kristen e

Malachi's Dad said...

So good to hear from you. Short and sweet but full of knowing that Gods hands have been busy through all of you. Looking forward to all the stories and pictures. Night Night
Malachi's dad

Anonymous said...

I was crying out to the Lord here most of the afternoon. Our Lord put you all on my heart AND I kept pleading for safety through my tears. I prayed with Steph N. who is now on a plane heading back to San Diego. ( More prayers for safe travel.)

I know we are in a spiritual battle, and we all must persevere through prayer! SO....please "put on the full armor of God!!!")

love and eagerly awaiting your return!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your brief story. Glad everyone is safe and sleeping.ha Tell Dani to take lots of pictures in case she has forgotten...miss yall and can't wait to hear all yall's stories. Love, mom

Andreea Savu. said...

Happy Birthday Nate!I hope you're having fun with the team,even though you're not home with your family.
I'm glad you're ALL safe.I look forward to talking to you all over the net.Right Liefy?YEAH.
~Peace out~
Andreea S.

Anonymous said...

so,i can see your time in budapest had finished,and i think you are in Prague right now..enjoy it!:)
a few updates from Craiova:the day after the studets arrived from the camp,with the JV team,was awesome..i saw some pictures,and i can say that almost everyone from the camp came...
yesterday evening,some of us planned the FOLLOW UP,that will be Thursday evening..it will be fun!
I just want to say that i really miss you..and miss spending the time with you..
love,Stefi(or,you can call me Kisha now...u know why;))

Savu Razvan said...

happy b-day Lief and Nate !
We also miss you guys already.
Most of the teen-agers from the camp meet for 2 times already after the camp and they had a great time.
Tomorrow we will meet again for a few hours of camp remember and all the people are really excited about this.
Have a safe back trip.

Razvan and the youth.

Cara Trier said...

Cassidy & Hailey,

Whew, it seems like it has been a long time, boy do I miss you guys,(note I didn't say sweet faces) but I am so excited for you to experience Prague. Uncle Tyler comes the same day you guys get home and we can't wait for the stories and pictures and just to laugh with you guys again. Love you both bunches!
Mom and dad

Cara Trier said...

Cassidy and Hailey,

I know I just wrote, but I have to write again real quick something I just read: don't accumulate possessions, accumulate experiences. Oh girls, your experiences of Romania, the people and the church and even the land are worth more than 10,000 coach purses! Thank God for every one, even the seemingly smallest detail. "treasure up all these things and ponder them in your hearts." (that is what Mary did in Luke)
I am so crazy about you guys!!!

Love, Mom

Kristen E said...

I had a dream last night that I visited you guys in Romania. And when it was time to return to the States, I didn't have my passport.
-Kristen E

Anonymous said...

Brooke's mom here----
This trip has been such a blessing...even to those of us at home!!

Brooke, talked to your Dad yesterday. He's missing his girl!! :) Isn't it nice to be loved and missed so much??

Been thinking a lot about where you are and the beautiful sites you are seeing. Can't wait to hear the stories and see the pictures!!

Brooke....Riley is missing you. She climbed my leg as I was leaving our place tonight :). You won't believe how BIG your "little" girl is. So cute!!

Planning on seeing you all tomorrow, Friday around 5:30 p.m.

My prayers are for your safe arrival.

Love to you all....
Bring on the hugs and kisses!! :)