Sunday, July 19, 2009

Craiova - Day 3 of 4 - by Brooke!

Hello Families and Friends,

Brooke here. Hmmm... where do I even begin. I am absolutely in love with Romania, the culture, and the people. Everyone is so nice and loving to all of us. They definitely make us feel welcome. I am so happy to be here!!!!!!! Sometimes I do catch myself being selfish and complaining about the heat and being tired. But I realize that this is a part of the journey here. Being uncomfortable pushes you mentally and physically. I think God is using this trip already to change me. I am already seeing in myself a change in the way I am reacting to cultural differences. Today I didn’t get a shower because Natalie and I woke up extremely late. Let’s just say we woke up at the time we were supposed to be ready. Haha…oops. But I don’t mind it really. I am greasy-faced, sweaty, smelly, which is pretty much what the whole team is like. Hahaha (sorry guys but its true). The food here at first was a scary thing for me…since I am a picky eater. But let me tell all of you, the food is absolutely delicious!!!!!

Today we came to the church at 9am to have breakfast. Church followed at 10am. I loved the service. It was neat to hear everything in Romanian and then English. Their language is beautiful…It sounds like a mix of Spanish, Latin, etc. BEAUTIFUL. The people who came to church were friendly and very welcoming. I love meeting more and more Romanians everyday. :) OH! And when they sang worship songs in Romanians I got chills, and found myself very overcome with emotion. I felt God in this little church in Craiova. It may be little, but it has a community of Romanians with BIG hearts, and a GREAT love for the Lord. They are inspirational to me.

Our Blackhawk team is getting closer and closer each day. We spend our free times talking with each other and the Romanians and bonding. We are fulfilling one of the goals we set for ourselves, we are bonding and becoming one big team who will work together to lead camp. AH!!! We leave tomorrow night :) I am so excited! I know that God has some amazing things planned for us at camp. I just know it!!

I have some prayer requests for everyone who reads this:

Please pray for Daniel (The Romania Team Leader), that God will give him peace and rest as he prepares for camp. (when we were in the park yesterday, he was pickpocketed and lost a good amount of money).

Prayer that we are successful in teaching English at the camp, and that our final spots at camp get filled - we are very, very close.

Thanks Everyone for listening to me ramble! Haha.


P.S. Mom, Dad, Christine, Laura (and family), Lindsay and Steve, Andy (and family), Marmie, Grandpa, and everyone else. I love you all very much. I sincerely appreciate all of your support!! Momma- I miss your stinky head!!!! :) Dad- “Shoo Shoo Shoo”

A note from Lief: Brooke wrote this around lunchtime today. We spent the rest of the day resting - as a day off. After lunch, we went back to the park with Daniel's team - what an awesome park they have here - it's HUGE! We went to the lake and rented some row boats. Some got more wet than they wanted - splashing! After that we found an open space to lie down, nap, talk, listen to music, and about 20 people played Ultimate Frisbee right there. After the park, we went to "Cramaolteniei" with our host families, the intern team, and Daniel's leadership team (like 50 of us!). We had a traditional Romanian meal at a HUGE table that fit all of us! We had a great time. After that we walked a few blocks to the City Center Square. The huge and complex "dancing" water fountain which is set to the tone of traditional Romanian music. We danced and enjoyed ourselves in the centre for almost 2 hours! Finally, most people walked or drove home to their host families and a few of us stopped by the HPD apartment - a ministry of Daniel's here that reaches out and provides living arrangements and life skills training to young adult orphans no longer allowed to live in the state run placement centers (orphanages) Read post from last year on HPD for more info. We met with Valentin and Lavinia and three of the boys who have just successfully finished the first 2-year generation of the program. We were touched by their life stories and how God has used HPD and other circumstances to redeem their lives to be lived for his glory. We got all of it on video for the rest of the team and the entire Blackhawk community. After all that - it's time for bed! We go to camp tomorrow!!! (pray that the 2-3 open spots to until our 100 limit are filled by 10pm, when we plan to leave!) - much love and peace, Lief


Jo said...

Hi everyone, we just got home from a weekend of camping & we didn't have internet access so we weren't able to read anything until we got home. Wow! the pictures are great & reading about your experiences is awesome. It sounds like you are all being blessed & encouraged & eating well!! We continue praying for you & the lives you are touching! It's exciting to hear you talk about how you are being affected & growing on this trip, We love you all & are praying constantly for you & your time there. Have a great week at camp!!


P.S. Mal,miss you & love you lots!! we had a wonderful weekend camping! Hugs & Kisses!!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Yo to all. It is so exciting to hear the changes in all of your lives. I am so excited for you all and looking forward to hearing and seeing the trip on your return.
Hey Malachi love you!

kell said...

dani, wow, that square looks amazing. How blessed yall are. I hope your having fun too dani. I am sure if you were dancing in the square too people were laughing.haha love you anyway. have you eaten any local foods? ladico is going fishing tomorrow, I am working and just missing your smiling face. The last post was great and hope that God is making your life amazing as well. If you need to use your card, go ahead, I will make sure there is money there for you. Love and miss you tons. Mom

kell said...

hope everyone has a crazy time at camp and that you make a difference! Be safe and I will be praying for all yall..Dani's mom

Laura Anne Traastad said...

hi romania team!
i love reading your updates, i'll be praying for you as you go to camp tomorrow. miss so many of you. bergs- our sparkle is not quite enough in the b league. brenda- i might seriously kill mr. boots, i cannot be held responsible if he runs away while you are gone. he meows 24 hours a day and chases me around the condo, i'm about to lose my mind! really. anyway, have a fabulous week in the mountains. oh- lauren and maren, bring me back a cool souvenior. =)

love you all, laura

Smileydad said...

Hi Meggie ( AKA Ms. Narlar)
Hope you are having a great time. Romania looks and sounds amazing. It sounds like it is hot there? Well at least you will get some summer there. Not exactly a heat wave here. Ham has not quit meowing since you left. Mom says she is shipping Ham to Romania so look for a package that moves. It's either that or we are going to have his vocal cords removed. You choose.:-) Anyway, we are thinking of you all and praying for you. Look forward to hearing more from you. Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting all of the pictures. It's so much fun seeing what everyone is doing. Our prayers are with you as you head to camp. God is good! Love and miss you Jessica Joy!

Love, Mom

blackwellil said...


Enjoyed all of the photos and how beautiful it is where you are at. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. Love you.

Uncle Jim, Aunt Donna and Kyle

Anonymous said...

MeGaN,mEgAn,MegaN,mEGAn....I am so bored with out you. I realize that i depend on you way to much for my own entertainment so this is very difficult being away from you for this long.(Yes I realize that I still have another like 2 weeks before you come back and it is sad that i am already bored @_@)hehehe....i hope that you are having a "too spectacular" time in romania!
OoHh!! I almost forgot...
Goodnight moon, Goodnight spoon, Goodnight Megan!!
Awww i love inside jokes :)

Anonymous said...

MeGaN,mEgAn,MegaN,mEGAn....I am so bored with out you. I realize that i depend on you way to much for my own entertainment so this is very difficult being away from you for this long.(Yes I realize that I still have another like 2 weeks before you come back and it is sad that i am already bored @_@)hehehe....i hope that you are having a "too spectacular" time in romania!
OoHh!! I almost forgot...
Goodnight moon, Goodnight spoon, Goodnight Megan!!
Awww i love inside jokes :)

Sarah said...

Sounds like you are all getting well prepared for the camp! Way to go!! I hope you can fill those last few slots!

Z.........need to know if you want a lax state champs ring! The design looks cool. Do you know your ring size?? I know...funny to be asking you this via a blog....but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Enjoy your last day in Craiova everyone! Safe travels to camp!
God speed....
Z's mom

Lindsay Siekert said...

Brooke we all miss you :) Your little kitty is in love with your bro Steve now we are taking her jk we are adopting a kitty tomorrow :) We love you! Hope camp goes well and we are always praying!

paul said...


Camp today. That is crazy exciting. I've been thinking about you guys so much, and praying for you. We prayed for you in church on Sunday. Everyone here is pulling for you.

It looks as though things are going really well. Did I see VaRog playing the guitar? Nice. Please continue to give my love to all our mutual Romanian friends. I will pray that God uses each and every one of you at camp. Soak it up, and take advantage of every opportunity to have conversations and to share your lives. It will be over before you know it, not your

Also, please remind Nate that he's not there to find a Romanian wife.

Also, in the news today...Paula Abdul's manager says that Paula is 'Hurt,' 'Angry,' and may not return To 'IDOL'...developing.